The Astounding
and Infinite World
of Spiritual Energy

What is Loosh or Spiritual Energy? 

Loosh is the spiritual energy contained within each and every one of us. It is a Life Force residing within every living and non-living thing. Humans, plants, animals, and the Universe all contain their own individual spiritual energy. This energy can transfer between two or more objects.

The term ‘Loosh’ was first introduced by Robert Monroe relating to the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans. Monroe’s experiments focused on pain and suffering and therefore only the negative spectrum of spiritual energy was examined.

The entire spectrum, however, holds varying frequencies, similar to those of radio waves. Some frequencies are higher than others. The human consciousness can be trained to focus on the higher, more uplifting, frequencies. The highest vibrational frequency can be felt when we are in Love.

Love is the purest emotion. When in love with another person we see life in a different perspective. We view it as if is wonderful and we can do no wrong. The emotion of love is pure, true, and divine. When we are in love, everything seems brighter and more joyous. Our happiness overpowers any negative obstacles presented on our path. Life becomes joyous and exciting.

On the opposite scale, the lowest spiritual energy is that of non-life threatening fear, worry or hate. This can include a fear of debt or lack of social acceptance. These lower vibrations are a concept that we have adopted. They are not a natural state of being and drain energy causing tiredness and irritability, difficulty in concentrating, making decisions, being creative, and happy.

Loosh is personal to each and every one of us. Our happiness is provided through our individual perspective and may not match others. Some enjoy walking in nature, although others may not due to a fear of meeting dangerous, local wildlife.

The personal nature of Spiritual Energy and the inability to categorize it, results in a difficulty to scientifically understand it. Scientists find it difficult to define loving feelings although they may have had some personal experience.

Spiritual Energy is present in our consciousness as well as our sub-conscious. It is contained within every thought. In modern day society, human being’s increasingly function using the programmed Egoic mind. Believe it or not, we have all been programmed.

As humans get fixated on routines, an auto-pilot mode is sustained for increasing stretches of time. The Egoic mind becomes familiar with routine journeys as well as repetitive actions and has the ability to control your body enabling you to complete familiar tasks. This reduces the need to be fully consciously aware of your actions. Of course in life threatening situations, the Egoic mind will release control back to our conscious awareness to deal with the situation at hand.

The human race has access to the deeper levels of the mind which triggers a heightened spiritual vibration. The higher the vibration, the more clarity is gained and happiness becomes sustainable.