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~ Rev. Dr. Clare Hinsley ~
The majority of my life is spent in a joyous state
and I would love to teach you how to do the same.
The Power of Metaphysics
has brought my inner guidance to the surface,
are you ready to do the same?


Rev. Dr. Clare Hinsley Ph.D

Metaphysical Counselor,

Healer, Author & Artist

Dr. Clare Hinsley

An Interview with Dr. Clare Hinsley

Rev. Dr. Clare Hinsley , has earned her Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. specializing in Metaphysical Counselling, from the University of Sedona. She offers different types of consultations with the aim of realigning one with their Soul Purpose. Individuals who stray from their own Divine path will feel out of sync and may experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, and unhappiness.

Metaphysical Consultations unblock stagnant, negative energy and allow the energy to flow freely within the body bringing a new sense of inner peace. By highlighting areas where individuals need to focus on, it is possible to make small changes in order to enjoy the flow of life.

Dr. Hinsley is an approachable, heartwarming, Metaphysical Minister with the ability to heal individuals and instill them with the confidence to deal with everyday life situations as they occur. When one understands how to adapt to new experiences, the greatness of an inquisitive perspective towards the future begins. Working with the positive spiritual energies, Dr. Hinsley achieves a pure, non-medicated, approach to healing while addressing the root cause of the issue.

Dr. Hinsley understands philosophies and practices from Eastern, Native American, Shamanic, ancient Egyptian, and Western origins. This knowledge is adapted and focused to allow any individual to find the benefit within their own lives. Upon examining one’s own existence it is possible to increase one’s connection with their instinctive side, while teaching how to overcome and avoid negative external influences.

Currently residing in Wiltshire, United Kingdom, Dr. Hinsley is eager to promote the incredible benefits of Metaphysics on mental and physical health.
As a member of the International Metaphysical Ministry, all consultations are without bias or judgement as well as fully confidential. For more information, please see the contact page, e-mail directly at, or leave a message on the mobile number +44 7968 957792.

From a child, Dr. Hinsley had undeniable mystical abilities. During her teenage years, she followed a socially acceptable path which led her into engineering. She worked for a main stream automotive manufacturer, designing engines, until her late 20’s when she became a full time mother of two boys. Once the boys were of school age she returned to the engineering field, which she enjoyed. Throughout her life she contained a deep felt need to focus on her mystical abilities in order to help others. It was then that she found herself drawn to studying Metaphysics and her abilities really started to shine.

Dr. Hinsley received her Bachelor of Metaphysical Science, B.Msc., and her Master of Metaphysical Science, M.Msc., from the University of Metaphysics. Her book ‘The Happiness Warrior – Finding Your Instinctive-Self within Western Civilization’ has now sold in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. In her spare time, she enjoys being creative and her inspirational artwork can be found in the gallery as well as some pieces for sale in the shop.

Dr. Clare Hinsley

Dr. Clare Hinsley

~ May your day be blessed with an abundance of joy ~