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Metaphysical Consultations
Awaken your inner magic to achieve alignment
with your soul purpose


Metaphysical Consultations


One to One Metaphysical Consultations

Consultation Reviews

“…I am so grateful to you for all your help and understanding you showed me. You were so incredibly generous of your time, love and understanding my situation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart…You have a beautiful healing spirit in your environment Dr Clare and it was a great pleasure to meet with you.” – Mel

“what a wonderful (Zoom) reading, consultation and cards.  Thank you soooo much!  You are so giving of your time and knowledge and it is very much appreciated and re-assuring.  There are not many people who totally understand me so it is very refreshing when someone can see right inside and my connection with the divine.” – K

Consultations flow under Divine Guidance and may the following:


Metaphysical, Psychic & Divine Counselling/Healing

Scalar Wave Healing & Wish Generation

Prana Cleansing (Person and/or Home)

Entity removal/release-Paranormal Disturbances (Person and/or Home)


Consultations allow Rev. Clare to work on the energies within and surrounding an individual.

Consultations can be carried out in my home, or a venue of your choice. I am blessed to have positive feedback such as “I feel so much better after talking to you”. These sessions are professional and completely confidential.

An initial Metaphysical Consultation starts with an extended Soul/Life Tarot Reading. This will delve into the deepest levels of the issue. A Consultation will include a foundation of healing throughout the reading and may include the resolving of issues or energetic blocks then and there. During this process it will be assessed if a full body, non-contact, energy/Prana cleanse is required. This involves removing stagnant negative energy within the body and/or room, replacing it with positive energy.


Each Consultation will include an audio recording of the Reading. A written summary can be provided at an additional cost of £30 which will be sent a few days following. After the Reading, it will be assessed if any scalar wave programmed healing card is recommended at an additional cost of £15. For an in-person Consultation, the scalar wave machine can be used to program water, with the healing card, to take away. 

Follow up Metaphysical consultations can be booked at a discounted rate. It is suggested that a three month period is recommended between consultations. Our goal is to highlight the root cause of any issue enabling positive efforts to permanently heal the deeper levels of the mind, body and soul. At the end of the session I will provide any tools or information which will be suited to the areas that need to be addressed in your life

Price List:

A ninety minute (1.5hr) initial consultation session £70.00  (approx. $90.00 USD- Internet meeting)

Follow-up consultations £60.00

Written Summary £30

Additional Scalar Wave Programmed Healing Cards £15

Appointments can be done in Chippenham, Wiltshire, at your home, or via telephone or Jitsi

Travel expenses outside Wiltshire, UK will have additional costs.

To book an appointment please use the Booking Form or use the Contact Us page

or e-mail directly to

Metaphysical Consultations Booking request